Posts in FLOW
Advent Flow #20 - NAME OF GOD: The Good Shepherd

“I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.”

– John 10:11 NASB

NAME OF GOD: The Good Shepherd

by Anne Ivans


As we know from our studies of Scripture, there are many names for Jesus. I find it interesting that Jesus chose to call Himself different things, many of which form visual images. The good shepherd would be a particularly meaningful name to the people of Jesus’ area and time of life on Earth.

What is a good shepherd? One who lays down his life for the sheep. We are Jesus’ sheep. This verse is so commonplace in Christian culture; it is widely quoted and very familiar. The verses that are very familiar often pass by my attention and contemplation as I have heard them and thought about them before. I develop sort of a spiritual malaise, where my eyes glaze over, and I start to contemplate more meaningful things, such as what is for dinner and what do I need at the grocery store. Fighting that very real battle, I will attempt to do this verse justice.

I remember listening to a sermon years ago where the pastor talked about sheep. My dad’s family were cattle people in southern Idaho, and cattle people are not fond of sheep. Sheep are known to be dumb. Sheep will follow almost anyone; sheep will graze almost anywhere. Sheep will wander away from their shepherd and not even know they are wandering. Sheep are easily distracted and probably have ADHD. Sheep are not considered noble animals. They are not the lions and jaguars of the animal world. There is nothing stealthy or sexy about sheep. When children play, they are lions, tigers, bears, or elephants. It is boring to stand around and graze all day. No one wants to be a sheep. And yet we are… all of the above, we are… we are easily distracted and drawn away from God, we will eat almost anywhere. Put something sparkly in front of us, and we will follow it forever… think sin and the lure of Las Vegas.

But Jesus is the Good Shepherd. How do we distinguish between a good and bad shepherd? 

A good shepherd feeds his sheep. We are fed the perfect food: the food that never runs out or grows moldy. We are fed good and nutritious food, the Word of God. This food nourishes our soul. I think about the prisoners who were fortunate enough to have memorized Scripture, how this very food sustained them, during the most horrific torture, and gave them hope. We are told to be filled with the Word. It is to fill us up and to overflow out of us, onto those around us. 

A good shepherd keeps his sheep with him. He knows each of them and knows which ones are prone to wander and which ones he can count on by his side. He knows their very nature, and he loves them. He knows the sheep are weak and feeble and needy, yet of tremendous value. He knows they have a purpose and importance even in the animal world, where they lack the glamour of the carnivorous beasts.

A good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. He will fight off the bigger more threatening animals. He will fight to the death, His death, before He allows one of His own to be consumed by the evil one. He will hike over rocky hills in search of the wandering one. We are not like this, but we want to be. We want to be noble, strong and true. We cheer for the solder that will go back for a fallen comrade; we root for the strong and mighty warrior that protects the frail and weak in the movies. We want to be like Jesus, until it gets hard.

Looking again at sheep, consider the value. Sheep are sheared and their wool is woven into beautiful sweaters that warm us. This winter, think on that, when you are cold. Or when you are warm, enjoying the wool that was provided for you. The sheep will grow more wool and provide for us over and over. Sheep are also adaptable. After all, they will eat almost anything.

Christmas is just a few days away, where we will be celebrating the birth of Our Savior, the Good Shepherd. In response to this great gift, we are thankful. Thankful that Jesus chose to be obedient, to come to Earth at all. He must have been enjoying sweet fellowship with his Dad, and then to be born in a cold dark manger… We are also thankful and grateful that Jesus laid down His life for us. Most of us are not called to die for Jesus, but to live. We are called to follow Him and know Him as best we can. We are called to be obedient sheep.

How to be an obedient sheep (the check list):

1. Are you following Jesus? Are you actively listening and feeding on His Word?

2. Are you easily distracted during this season? Are all the bright and shiny things leading you to follow another shepherd — one that is not looking out for your soul?

3. Are you adaptable? When it comes time to lose that wool coat, and you are vulnerable, how will you stay warm?

4. Are you spending time with other obedient sheep or are you wanting to be something more glamorous, like a lion or a jaguar?

In closing, my dad liked to tell this story about my grandfather. My grandpa was a boy in the school room, and his teacher asked him: “Herbert, if you had 10 sheep in the barn, and 3 got out, how many would you have left?” His response was “none”. His teacher reprimanded him and said “Herbert, you do not know your arithmetic facts!” He replied “Teacher, you don’t know sheep.”

Merry Christmas!

FLOWFLOW StudyAdvent 2017
Advent Flow #19 - NAME OF GOD: Lion of the Tribe of Judah

Your devotional haiku for the day:

Praying our Lord’s names,
He reveals himself to us
So we’ll know Him well.

NAME OF GOD: Lion of the Tribe of Judah

by Kris Hilgaertner


The Lion of Judah is first hinted at in Genesis and returns fully in Revelation. When Jacob is on his deathbed, he calls his sons in to give them his last blessing and give each a prophesy. Though Judah was a far from perfect son, he’d grown in character and in leadership. Jacob tells Judah and his brothers:

8 “Judah, your brothers shall praise you; your hand shall be on the neck of your enemies; your father's sons shall bow down before you. 9 Judah is a lion's cub; from the prey, my son, you have gone up. He stooped down; he crouched as a lion and as a lioness; who dares rouse him? 10 The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, (Genesis 49)

From then on, Judah was known as “Judah the Lion,” who would be a warrior and king that the other tribes would follow. From his tribe would come King David whose "heart is as the heart of a lion" (II Sam. 17:10) and, eventually, Jesus.

Then we hear Jesus referred to in the book of Revelation as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah at a very dramatic point in time. In John’s vision, he has just seen an incredible manifestation of heaven with Jesus sitting on the throne worshiped by the elders and the heavenly beings. 

1 Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals. 2 And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?” 3 And no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll or to look into it, 4 and I began to weep loudly because no one was found worthy to open the scroll or to look into it. 5 And one of the elders said to me, “Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals.”

The Lion has roared and King Jesus has conquered the enemy of death and sin once and for all and has redeemed his people from God’s judgement. Interesting, in the verses that follow we are reminded how the Lion of Judah conquered. He does not conquer with a mighty roar. He does not smite the enemy with a powerful swipe of his paw, or trample the enemy with his strength and might. Instead, He conquers death and sin by becoming a Lamb. He is the sacrificial Lamb whose death paid the price for us all, so that God’s justice is maintained, the penalty is paid and we are forgiven. And for that, King Jesus is worthy to break the seal of the scroll.

 6 And between the throne and the four living creatures and among the elders I saw a Lamb standing, as though it had been slain, with seven horns and with seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth. 7 And he went and took the scroll from the right hand of him who was seated on the throne. 8 And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. 9 And they sang a new song, saying, 

“Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals,for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation,10 and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth.”

The mighty Lion of the Tribe of Judah allowed himself to be led like a Lamb to the slaughter in order to save you for eternity with the Father. Out of His immeasurable love for you, he rescued you and brought you home!


What has the Lion of Judah conquered in your life for you on your behalf? From where or what has he delivered you?

What does God still need to conquer in your life on your behalf? 

What is keeping you from letting his Kingdom reign in your heart? Mind? Actions?

When was the last time you worshiped like the elders and angels did in Revelation?

Meditate on Revelation Chapters 4 and 5. And use the time to worship Him in his majesty. Feel free to use this song in your prayer time to worship.

FLOWFLOW StudyAdvent 2017
Advent Flow #18 - NAME OF GOD: Lamb of God

"The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, ‘Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!’”

– John 1:29 ESV

NAME OF GOD: Lamb of God

by Kara Helland


Lamb of God- it sounds so personal, so loving, so safe…

I love this name of Jesus, it reminds me that God is not some unreachable Higher Being in the sky, but He is a humble and loving Father - He is the Lamb of God. The Lamb of God name for God is timeless - as we will see, it is used frequently, from the Old Testament throughout the Bible all the way to Revelation. Today, let’s take some time to look at some Bible verses that pertain to Jesus being the Lamb of God.

“Know that the Lord, He is God! It is He who made us, and we are His, we are His people and the sheep of His pasture.” - Psalm 100:3 ESV

“For the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of living water, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” - Revelation 7:17 ESV

Psalm 100:3 reminds us that not only is Jesus the Lamb of God, but we as Christians are also considered God’s sheep. Since Christ died for us, we can be considered unblemished before our Father. God loves us so much, and He has displayed His love by finding a way for us to be included in His family as His sheep. At the same time we see from Revelation that Jesus is not only The Lamb of God, but He is our Shepherd. He is both man and God, both Lamb and Shepherd.

“Then Moses called all the elders of Israel and said to them, ‘Go and select lambs for yourselves according to your clans, and kill the Passover lamb.’” - Exodus 12:21 ESV

In the Old Testament days, a lamb would have been a common sacrificial animal. Calling Jesus the Lamb of God displays how He is the Perfect Lamb who died in our place. We no longer have to follow the procedures of sacrificing animals since Jesus has covered our sin once and for all. This is an evident example of how the Old Testament speaks of the King to come - Jesus.

“And I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb.” - Revelation 21:22

When Jesus is called the Lamb of God, it shows that He is the final offering. Not only does the Old Testament point to Him as being the Lamb of God and therefore the ultimate sacrifice, but Revelation shows us that Jesus is the eternal Lamb of God who lasts forever.

“And one of the elders said to me, ‘Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals. And between the throne and the four living creatures and among the elders I saw a Lamb standing, as though it had been slain, with seven horns and with seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth.’” - Revelation 5:5-6 ESV

Lambs are completely helpless and vulnerable animals. When a Lamb senses danger, he flees since he has no other way to defend himself. Likewise, when Jesus came to earth, He made himself helpless for us. We also see in verse 5 that He is referred to as “the Lion of Judah” which sounds anything but defenseless. It’s like He took His Power, and He set it aside for us.


   •   What do you first think of when you hear Jesus being referred to as the Lamb of God?

   •   How does “the Lamb of God” reflect Jesus’ character?

   •   Reflect on how Jesus is able to be both the Shepherd and the Sheep; Lion and the Lamb.

FLOWFLOW StudyAdvent 2017
Advent Flow #17 - NAME OF GOD: Lord

“You call me ‘Teacher' and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am.”

– John 13:13 NIV


by Joe Emmi


In the New Testament we find Jesus addressed or referred to as Lord many times. The Greek word for Lord is "Kurios". It carries the meaning of supreme authority. It is sometimes translated as "sir" or "master", and in one place "God", but usually as “Lord". At the time of the early English translations of the bible, "Lord" was a term of respect for someone in a higher position, usually a member of the nobility, a higher social class. Even today In England, they still have people who are called "lords" and "ladies" because they have been given or inherited a title. 

What is interesting about Jesus' case is that people often referred to him as Lord, even while he was under cover, so to speak. As we celebrate his birth we are reminded that he was born in a stable and laid in a feeding trough. As Isaiah declares, “He has no stately form or majesty That we should look upon Him, Nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him.” (Is. 53:20). He was a simple craftsman from an ordinary family from a despised village. When Nathaniel first heard of Jesus, his reaction was, "Can anything good come from Nazareth?”

However, in Jesus we meet a human who truly is in a higher class. He is Lord, not by title, but by his very nature. Because he is both divine and human, he is in a category above all others. When he walked this earth everyone could sense that Jesus spoke and acted with authority, even his enemies. The people marveled that he taught with authority, the rulers questioned by what authority he cleared the temple, his disciples wondered at his authority over the wind and waves of the sea. However, Jesus' authority and power emanated from his being and not from a title he carried or something external. That tripped many people up. The folks from his village thought , “isn't he just one of us, didn't he grow up here, don't we know his whole family?” Yes, he was by all appearances just one of us, and he was rejected by many. And yet, people who had an honest heart, knew they were in the presence of someone who was different and somehow greater than themselves in spite of appearing as a very ordinary man. They could not help but recognize his nobility, his authority, even though they did not yet know he was in fact God incarnate. So, they called him Lord.

At the same time, Jesus' nobility was so different from any other. You could get close and be perfectly safe in his presence. He came not to "Lord it over" others like earthly rulers (Luke 22:25). He taught that the first should be the last and that the greatest was the one who served everyone else. He had time for children, for the broken, for the outcast. He humbly stooped to wash his own disciples’ feet in our passage from John 13. Even though he was rightly called “Lord", yet he came not to be served, but to serve and to give his life for us all. He died the death of a condemned criminal in our place, not willing to say a word or call on his angel army to defend himself, because he wanted to save the people who were his rightful subjects. Even after his resurrection, we find him cooking breakfast on the beach for his disciples. The world had never seen a Lord like that. Yet, that is what true nobility is all about...

“Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name,  that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth,  and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Phil 2:9-11)


How do I see the nobility of Jesus in the gospels?  

Does the humility and gentleness of Christ diminish or enhance his Lordship? 

Have I ever seen the nobility of Christ reflected in a brother or sister? How so?

What is the path to glory that Jesus modeled? 

If the Lord Jesus lives in me, what might I expect his Spirit to lead me to do or be?

How might my amazing Lord Jesus be asking me to follow his example today?


FLOWFLOW StudyAdvent 2017
Advent Flow #16 - NAME OF GOD: Living Water

Jesus answered her, “if you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”

– John 4:10

NAME OF GOD: Living Water

by Laura Bodine


One of my very favorite stories in the New Testament is Jesus’ interaction with the Samaritan woman at the well as told in John chapter 4. I love this story because Jesus purposefully sought out someone not even seeking Him. A woman considered a nobody by others. She was seen not just as worthless by economic and societal standards, but when Jesus came to her, she was also living an immoral life.

The Jews and the Samaritans had a mutual disdain for one another so the fact that Jesus, a Jew, would even enter Samaria let alone take the time to rest there was a big deal. Also, in Jesus’ day, it wasn’t acceptable for a Jewish man, much less a Rabbi, to speak to any woman in public let alone a Samaritan woman.

The Rabbis also thought that Jewish women should not be taught the Scriptures. So, when Jesus goes beyond merely asking for a drink and directs the conversation into spiritual things with the Samaritan woman, this interaction is off the charts.

In verse 11 of John chapter 4 it says “the woman said to Him, “Sir, you have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep. Where then do You get that living water? 12 “Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well, and drank from it himself, as well as his sons and his livestock?” 13 Jesus answered and said to her “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”

Notice that He does not say that He is the living water, but that He would give living water to her, and when she received it, she would never thirst again. Of course, that does not tell us what the living water is. For that, we must go to another passage of Scripture. In this case, Jesus is in the temple surrounded by a throng of worshipers. He suddenly cries out, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scriptures said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’ But this He spoke of the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were to receive; for the Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified” (John 7:37–39, emphasis added).

Here Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as the living water. External influence of the Spirit had always been given in the conversion and sanctification of the Old Testament saints and prophets, but the gift of the Spirit who would indwell believers had not yet been received (Acts 10:44–45). So, though many people say that Jesus is the living water, Jesus Himself intended the phrase to mean the Holy Spirit who dwells in believers and seals them for salvation (Ephesians1:13–14).

It is the ministry of the Spirit, flowing out of a heart redeemed by God, that blesses believers and, through them, brings life and light to the world.

The Holy Spirit is the never-ending fountain of living water. And this living water is meant to fill our lives and then it’s meant to overflow from us in order that others might be served, refreshed and drawn to the Spirit of God that dwells within us. How does one get to a place where they are living a Spirit filled life that overflows to others? We simply ask God for the empowerment of His Spirit. We admit we’re thirsty and desire a life that draws others into a relationship with Jesus.

In Luke 11:13 Jesus said “If you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him?”

Christ is the spring of life that flows from each believer`s depth, as an endless wellhead. The Holy Spirit is the never-ending fountain of living water. When we accept the fullness of the blessings that Jesus offers, he will fully and permanently satisfy the deep thirst of the human soul. We will find peace and we will become a source of blessing for others, just as the woman at the well ultimately became a blessing to those around her. Nothing the world has to offer will ever satisfy the thirst and hunger in our souls. Only Jesus and His Holy Spirit, the Living Water, will quench our thirst forever.


Are you feeling spiritually dry? If so…

How often are you going to the source of living water? Through prayer, time spent in the Word of God and in church where the Spirit flows?

Have you offered this living water to others as Jesus did with the woman at the well?


Lord, we come to you today in need of your Living Water. Walking in this world with distractions and things that pull us from you, remind us that what our souls thirst for and long for is more of You. Empty us of ourselves and empower us by your Holy Spirit to do your work.

We pray our lives would be a source of refreshment and blessing to the people you put in our path. Help us to see others the way you see them. Just as you saw the woman at the well as being of great worth just as she was, we pray you’d give us the ability to see others the same way. Give us the desire to share the great hope we have in you. In Your great and perfect name we pray, Amen.

FLOWFLOW StudyAdvent 2017
Advent Flow #15 - NAME OF GOD: Vine


by Brett Bodine


The idea of the vineyard and the vine would have been familiar to the Disciples and the Jewish people. There are several references in the Old Testament including Isaiah 5:7 which says,

“The vineyard of the Lord Almighty is the nation of Israel,and the people of Judah are the vines he delighted in…”

In the seventh and final “I AM” statement from the book of John, Jesus declares that He is the True Vine and His Father is the vinedresser. He tells us that we are the branches. The vine is the source of life for the branches. When the branches are attached to the vine they have everything they need to thrive and bear fruit. Jesus then tells us that we are to abide in Him so that we will bear fruit. The Greek word for abide is ménō meaning to continue, to dwell, to endure, to be present, to remain and to stand. Without Jesus, we can bear no fruit but when we abide in Him not only will we bear fruit but much fruit. John 15:8 says, “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” What exactly is this fruit?

The ultimate fruit of our abiding in Jesus is love. Galatians 5:22 says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love…”. John 13:34, 35 says, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

Only by abiding in Jesus, our vine, can we demonstrate true agapē love for one another. Jesus tells us that there is no greater love than to lay down our lives for our friends. As branches connected to the true vine of Jesus we are connected to the source of love and have this love in us. 

What makes this even more amazing is verse 16 in chapter 15 of John: “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.” Paul says, in Ephesians 2:10 “For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

Putting this all together means that God created us to do good works, He chose us to be connected to the vine, He supplies everything we need to bear lasting fruit, He prepared the good works in advance for us to do and He promises to give us everything we ask for to accomplish those works. It’s all about Him. It has nothing to do with us. Our only responsibility is to be present, to be connected, to endure, to abide in Jesus. When we abide we will bear the fruit of love which will produce more fruit: joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.


Are we abiding in Christ or are we distant?

If we examine our lives, do we see fruit?

What does it mean to love one another?

Do you remember the amazing things that God has done in your life and tell others about them?


Jesus, you are the True Vine. Help us to draw closer to you and abide in you that we may bear much fruit in our lives. Fill us with Holy Spirit in order to love others as you first loved us. May we find joy in our lives regardless of our circumstances knowing that you are the source of life and without you we are nothing. Prepare us for the good works you have planned for us. Thank you for choosing us. In your name we pray, Amen!

FLOWFLOW StudyAdvent 2017
Advent Flow #14 - NAME OF GOD: Word


by Diane Anderson


I've been part of a ladies' Bible study this fall. We just started the book of Revelation. Our very first lesson focused on John's vision of Jesus and I was struck by the image of a sharp, two-edged sword coming from His mouth. The sword is a metaphor used throughout the Bible for God's actual words. Yet John, in his Gospel, referred to Jesus himself as THE WORD. I had to research more—to get a better understanding of all that this Name of my Savior meant. (Imagine my awe, a few weeks later, when I saw that I would be writing a devotional on this very thing)! There's so much, it's hard to pare down what I learned. However, I do see three main ways that Christ, as The WORD of God, works in our lives through the Bible—the inspired spoken words of God.

First, we exist because "God said…"

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." (John 1:1-5, NIV)

It's hard to see a person as being a word printed on paper. I think John was a bit of a poet. He used a lot of metaphors and descriptive language in his writing. (Probably why God chose to reveal the visions in Revelation to him). But since Jesus was with God as the WORD, when "God said…" all of creation was SPOKEN into being through the WORD—through Christ! This simply proves Christ's authority over all creation—that He was and is the WORD that gives us life! We exist simply because of Christ.

Second, we have access to God.

"God means what he says. What he says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey. Nothing and no one is impervious to God’s Word. We can’t get away from it—no matter what." (Hebrews 4:12-13, MSG)

If you read the whole of Hebrews 4, you will see that its opening subject is entering into God's rest and the closing one is about being able to approach God through Jesus as the High Priest. Verses 12 and 13—a small section—are sandwiched between two pictures of relationship with God. The WORD is so sharp it cuts away the fluff and disease of sin to expose the unseen thoughts and attitudes of our hearts. It's only then that we are convicted of our sin and can repent and accept Christ's work of salvation from those sins. It's the acceptance of the WORD's entire work that allows us the fullness of life in fellowship with God.

Third, The WORD brings fully abundant life.

Because Christ spoke us into being and because we've accepted His work of salvation from sins, we are His people. In another metaphor, John pictures us as His sheep. I love this imagery. I love that the WORD is implied in a voice.

"The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice…The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:3b-5, 10, NIV)

When we know the Bible Word, we know Jesus' voice. He will not speak anything contrary to Scripture. So when the thief of peace, hope, life and love speaks we can tell it's not our life-giving WORD. Running away—rejecting—the words of our enemy keeps us safe. It doesn't limit our freedom to only follow Christ. It saves us for life—and not just any life. We have fully abundant and eternal life. Hallelujah!


How can you know more of the Word and the WORD?

What part of this devotion is a word for you?

Reword that part in a prayer to God.

What does God want you to do in response to today's devotional?

PrayDear Father God, Thank you for our existence. Thank you for your WORD—Jesus, our Creator, Savior and Guide. Please help us to keep our focus on Him so that we can continue to hear His words and voice and follow Him in trust. We want that fully abundant and eternal life you have planned for us. So keep us from the enemy who wants to destroy our souls. Praise you, Almighty Word. In Jesus's Holy Name, Amen.

FLOWFLOW StudyAdvent 2017
Advent Flow #13 - NAME OF GOD: Christ, Messiah

Jesus asked, “What do you think about the Messiah? Whose son is he?” They replied, “The son of David.”                                                       

 - Matthew 22:42

“But what about you?” Jesus asked. “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “God’s Messiah.” 

- Luke 9:20

and, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God" 

- Matthew 16:16


The woman (at the well) said, “I know that Messiah” (called Christ) “is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.” Then Jesus declared, “I, the one speaking to you – I am he.” 

- John 4:25

NAME OF GOD: Christ, Messiah

by Rosalie Lund


Christos, The Anointed One: “This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God.” (1 John 4:2) John uses two names, Jesus, which refers to His human name, and Christ, which refers to His divine title. Jesus Christ is fully man and fully Messiah at the same time. Christ, which means Messiah, the Anointed One is His divine title. Jesus is God in human flesh. –

The Old Testament is filled with prophecy, and the New Testament references that prophecy, of a coming Messiah, a Savior King, coming to rescue the people of Israel from their oppression. Isaiah 40:10 says, “See, the Sovereign Lord comes with power, and he rules with a mighty arm. See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him."

The Israelites clung to that prophecy and waited. They waited a long time; so long that the waiting became “part of the furniture,” as I sometimes like to say. They got so used to waiting that they no longer noticed the waiting. Many got so used to waiting that they missed the coming, and didn’t want to give up the waiting, because the coming wasn’t what they expected. Isaiah 40:11, “He tends his flock like a shepherd: he gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.”

But the shepherds knew – “And the angel said unto them: Fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:10-11)

Having been born into a musical family, and having been involved in choirs for a good ¾ of my life, one of the classical works most near and dear to my heart is Handel’s Messiah. I’ve sung the Christmas portion many times and even had the honor of performing the soprano solo, “Rejoice, O Daughter of Jerusalem.” Of course, performances always culminated in the singing of the “Hallelujah Chorus” at the end of the Christmas portion, though many don’t know that it is from the Easter portion of Handel’s work about the Gospel of Jesus Christ – which ends with His ascension to heaven and praise to Him for our hope of eternal life with Him. We don’t want to wait; we want to get to the exciting ending!

The “Hallelujah Chorus” is appropriate in many situations because it is a glorious exclamation, proclamation and celebration of the coming of Messiah, Jesus the Christ, God’s Anointed One! We use it at Christmas-time to celebrate Christ’s birth, and we use it at Easter-time to proclaim His Lordship. Is there anything more worthy of celebration? I think not. But, let’s not forget this “Hallelujah” excitement during the long times of waiting.

Come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!


Who do YOU say that Jesus is?

Today the waiting has changed from waiting for Christ to come, to waiting for Christ to come again.

Are you waiting eagerly for that?

Or, are you waiting in fear that…?

Or, has your waiting become “part of the furniture” (something you don’t really think about anymore)?

How can you (re)ignite an eager anticipation of Christ’s impending return?

Pray: Dear Sovereign Lord, holy is your Name – Jesus the Christ! Forgive any weakness of faith in me, any apathy that may have set in as the waiting for your return becomes longer, in my estimation. Restore to me the joy of my salvation and spur me to active anticipation of Your return. “Then shall I teach transgressors Thy ways, and sinners shall be converted unto You.” (Isaiah 51:13) Amen

FLOWFLOW StudyAdvent 2017
Advent Flow #12 - NAME OF GOD: Abba

"The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” 

- Romans 8:15


by Steve Wells


When I was given the name of “Abba” to do a writing on, I was excited and weary all at the same time. I’ve always loved my Dad, Jim, but it wasn’t until I held my first child that the word “Father” gained a whole new level of importance and meaning. When you read this devotion, my family and I will be experiencing the 1 year anniversary of my Father’s death. It’s been tough to experience the loss within me, but even more disheartening is to watch your child grieve the loss as well. Additionally, I have watched other mothers, siblings, wives, sons and daughters…my friends…mourn over the loss of their fathers. I’ve heard stories of fathers that inspired and some that were truly heartbreaking. I could go on and on about this, but I will spare you. I did want to tell you this: The only way that I was able to stand firm on my faith during my grief was through my relationship with Jesus Christ and His relationship with his Father, God. This gave me comfort and peace.

Did you know that “Father” is used of God in the Old Testament only 15 times while it is used of God 245 times in the New Testament? As a name of God, it stresses God’s loving care, provision, discipline, and the way we are to address God in prayer. Abba is the Aramaic word meaning Daddy, Father. It’s a term of warm affection, intimacy, and respect for one’s father. It is a distinctive New Testament revelation that through faith in Christ, God becomes our personal Father.

All of us have a father, but not all of us know our fathers. Father is just a title to some. I have a friend who told me of his biological father and how it was hard to respect him and he struggled to be with him in his very few moments spent with him. Yet, he still had the privilege of calling one man, “Daddy,” his stepdad who adopted him and raised him as his own. Galatians 4:4-7 and our main scripture for today, Romans 8:15, talk about adoption and being brought into the family of God as sons and daughters, heirs to the kingdom of heaven.

As you go through the rest of this day, reflect on those you call “Abba (Daddy), Father” and think of the ways in which they loved you. For those who are foreign to a loving Father AND for those who are familiar with having a loving Father: God, your ABBA FATHER, wants to graft you into his family tree by way of adoption. He wants to offer you sonship through his Son, Jesus Christ. He wants to make you heirs to the kingdom of heaven. I believe that in every heart of stone, lies the longing of a Father who will embrace them with warm affection and intimacy that leads to Heaven’s gates.


Think back on who you considered to be your Abba (Daddy), Father. What were the attributes or words that best describe that person?

As you see the world around you as a Mother or a Father, a brother or a sister, how can you pay it forward to those who long for an “Abba?”

Is there anyone in your life that you think needs to hear that there’s a “Abba” in Heaven who loves them? Pray for them this week that they would come to know the love of their Abba in Heaven.


FLOWFLOW StudyAdvent 2017
Advent Flow #11 - NAME OF GOD: Comforter

NAME OF GOD: Comforter

by Carolynn Yancey

Six years ago was the last time I got the flu, and though I don’t remember much, I do remember being sure that death would be better than having the flu. I prayed to die, I prayed to just stop shaking, and I laid, buried down in my bed under my huge down-comforter; knowing that if I got out from under its protective warmth, it’s shield of safety, I would surely die.

“But the Advocate the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”

- John 14:26

The English Standard Version has, the word ‘Advocate’ here to describe the Holy spirit, The original word Paracletos translates to Comforter or counselor, as a helper and an advocate; and properly means, “one called to the side of another”. Having the flu was one of the most terrible episodes of my body being sick, but even when I am not sick, my favorite thing to do at night is curl up under my comforter. It’s where I can close my eyes, rest my weary feet, and where I find the quiet peace. 

When was the last time your heart was tired, over-worked, and weary? Many of us have lost loved ones this year, and this will be your first Christmas without them. Maybe you're heartbroken for a friend you see with struggles. You are weary worrying about your children, or you are looking around at our world wondering where any of it is going.

What would life be like if you took all that worry, and weary heart, and wrap it up in your Comforter, the Holy Spirit? What kind of healing can we have if we give up our souls and hearts to the one who can bring peace, quietness, and rest?


Here are some scriptures, pray and meditate on them, that the Holy Spirit who has come as Comforter will give you of the peace and rest that can only be found in Him:

 Joshua 1:9-10          Psalm 23:4       Romans 8:26

Ephesians 1:13-14     John 16:13         1 John 2:27


What am I struggling with that I need to give up to the Holy Spirit?

What do these scriptures promise about my struggles?

Pray: Dear God, Thank you that you sent us Holy Spirit to comfort us, to come to our sides and advocate for us. When my heart is hurting, and my soul is tired from this life, please remind me that you are The Comforter, the only place I will find true peace. Please refresh my mind seeing my tears through your eyes, and bring me comfort and care even in the darkest times.

FLOWFLOW StudyAdvent 2017
Advent Flow #10 - NAME OF GOD: God Is Love

"But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love”

- 1 John 4:8

NAME OF GOD: God Is Love

by Don Mershon


When we surrender our lives to God and become his, the Holy Spirit renews our minds. We develop a love and a desire to care for others that we did not have before. We will find ourselves being more selfless by thinking and doing for others on a regular basis to reflect God's love. We will gain a love and compassion for others that God will put into our hearts. The closer we are to God, the more love we will have for others. We truly know God is love by him sending his only son to Earth for the ultimate sacrifice of dying for our sins. He cares for and loves us..

How can we show God's love towards others today?

God forgives us for sins and wants us to forgive others that have hurt us (Ephesians 4:31-32). When we forgive, we are showing love-God is love.

God says that to love your neighbor like you love yourself is the most important commandment of them all (Mark 12:31). When we love our neighbors like ourselves, we are showing love-God is love.

God created everyone and loves everyone like his children. He wants us to love everyone-even our enemies (Luke 6:27-36). When we pray for or do good things for our enemies, we are showing love-God is love.


FLOWFLOW StudyAdvent 2017
Advent Flow #9 - NAME OF GOD: Our Peace

“For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall.”

-Ephesians 2:14 NASB

“The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.”

-Philippians 4:9 NASB

NAME OF GOD: Our Peace

by Anne Ivans


“He himself is Our Peace.” When you read the first verse, you can see that He joined groups and broke down barriers. Earlier in the chapter, Paul discusses how the Gentiles (us), were separated from Christ and excluded from the blessing that was to be for Israel alone. Through Christ, the walls between groups, between races and cultural differences are eliminated. The text also talks about how we were created for good works, therefore we should “walk in them”. I like how it says “walk in them” rather than do them. We are to live there, rather than have a few good works as a sprinkling to our day, like one more item on our “to do” list. It is as if wherever good works are done, there we are….our friends would know where we would be.

The verse from Philippians tells us how to have peace. I love how God makes things so clear and simple. You have learned and received instruction. We even have some visual aids and some mental videos of Jesus’ example… now PRACTICE these things. Not other things. These things. The ones we saw Jesus do. It is not confusing… but we like to make it so… We think our situations are so difficult and complex. Really? Who are we fooling? Practice. I remember listening to the statistics of how much piano practice went into the creation of a concert pianist. If most people practiced that much, they would reach the same level of greatness. I have heard the same for professional athletes. Yes, there is natural gifting, but this accounts for about 3% of the difference between the super star and the really good performer. I think about the things I practice, and I really get better at them! I also don’t get better at the things I don’t practice. I practiced not eating candy after Halloween, and every time I passed it in the grocery store, I got a little better at not buying it.

I am going to practice peaceable responses. I am also going to practice silence. It is amazing how powerful silence is, instead of the witty and snide comments I think. With more practice, I predict I will think more peaceful thoughts more often.

When we have the Creator of the Universe as Our Peace, think of the power we have! Christmas time is not traditionally associated with peacefulness, but consider a winter’s night after a snow fall. Consider a clear cold night, where the stars are magnificent. If you haven’t star-gazed on a cold winter’s night, I suggest it this year. Our kids loved bundling up in throws from the couch and going out on the back deck to look up in the heavens. It is a great place to discuss the Christmas story.

Lastly, He is OUR Peace. We are meant to enjoy the Peace of God, the Peace that IS God, together. He called us to celebrate the Peace that passes all understanding. As we live our days this Christmas season, let’s make the effort to see the peaceful and calm wonder. Underneath all the crazy hustle and bustle, find that undercurrent of cool refreshment, and breath it in deeply.


Will doing “that activity” or saying “that thought” increase or decrease your peaceful nature? 

When you are with extended family this season, how can you share that God is Your Peace?

Are there activities that you can incorporate into your day, this season, to reduce stress and increase your peacefulness?

Ultimate Challenge: Peacefully and joyfully get through parking at the Mall or bad traffic. Thank and praise God for your practice time.


FLOWFLOW StudyAdvent 2017
Advent Flow #8 - NAME OF GOD: The Lord of Glory

Passages for today: Psalm 29:1-4, Psalm 24:7-10, James 2:1, 1Cor 2:8, Exodus 33

NAME OF GOD: The Lord of Glory

by Kris Hilgaertner


In the Old Testament, the word “glory’ is usually the Hebrew word ‘kavod’ (כָּבוֹד), as in Psalm 29 and Psalm 24. ‘Kavod’ kind of glory suggests a figurative “heaviness” or “weight” as in a weighty idea. If a person carries “weight”, he has power, influence, might, honor, and worth. The “Lord of Glory” reveals a God who is worthy of our praise, our respect, and our awe.

In the New Testament, the Greek word “glory” in the James and 1Corinthian passages is ‘doxa’ (δόξα) means an opinion resulting in praise, honour, and glory, as well as “splendor” and “brightness” as it pertains to the moon, sun and stars. To God it pertains to His “majesty”, “magnificence”, “excellence”, “dignity” and “grace”.

One of the two pivotal stories in the Bible that have been central to my coming to faith and to my staying in the faith all these years through everything is Exodus 33, which immediately came to mind contemplating this “Lord of Glory”.

God was leading his people thru the desert to come into his Promised Land, and He’d called Moses to lead His people out of slavery—a tall order for a reluctant leader who kept begging for God to use someone else. Moses was called on to have massive amounts of faith as God had put him on the most ultimate ‘need to know basis’ of all time. He was given only bits of instruction and mere pieces of the plan each day. With that had to lead hundreds of God’s chosen people through a desert wasteland, and through a spiritual desert of doubt and worry, as they learned who God was and lived in hope of one day seeing the Promised Land to live out their special covenant with their Almighty God. But since of the Israelites continued to doubt and complain, God had decided to send them along to the Promised Land without Him.

This parent was exasperated with his children and their continued bellyaching! I mean they had a miraculous cloud from God to follow by day and a pillar of fire by night, but still they wondered if they were safe, and doubted God’s goodness and providence?? Haven’t you been “that guy” at one point or another? I know I have.

Yet, through his own doubts and worries, Moses loved God. He trusted his God. He sought the Lord. He wanted to know His ways. He longed to please God, to know Him, and to be with Him. And now God was sending them off alone??

12Moses said to the Lord, “You have been telling me, ‘Lead these people,’ but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. You have said, ‘I know you by name and you have found favor with me.’ …., “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. 16How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us?…17And the Lord said to Moses, “I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.”

God relented, and Moses got what he asked for. Yet he ached for more. So, he asks what I think to be the most profound request of all time:

18 “Now show me your glory.”

Five rather small words. But earth-shattering. The unadulterated nerve of Moses. The desperation of Moses. The honest, guttural yearning of the child to see his heavenly Father. The servant to presume of his Master. The courage to accept his own death for the opportunity to truly see Almighty God and Creator—for no one, to date, could be in the presence of a Being so pure and holy, and not be crushed under the “weight” of “glory”. No one could see God and live.

Yet Moses asks, “Show me your glory.” Moses can’t even begin to comprehend what he’s asking. Yet he asks. He beseeches. And God is wise. God is compassionate. He knows he cannot grant Moses exactly what he asks because Moses would not survive such “kavod” glory. 

God tells Moses, I cannot show you all of my glory. But I will allow my goodness— the shadow, the reflection, the close and lesser relative of my glory— to pass near you. And I will whisper my name as I go. The powerful wind that comes from the whispering of my holy and righteous name will even be too much for you. But I love you and will always protect you. I will place you in the cleft of a rock so you will not be blown away by my supreme omnipotence and holiness. And I will protect your eyes by covering them with my hand, so you will only see my goodness thru that veil of protection. (Exodus 33:19-23).

Friends, this is our Lord of Glory! He is that mighty!! I mean, when you and I want to impress someone, we say “You better sit down for this one.” With the Lord of Glory, he has to wedge a person inside a mountain, cover their eyes, lower His voice, and pass just nearby so they only see him from behind! And the vision of just the shadow of His back changed Moses forever. It changed me. This Lord of Glory, who is that great, yet he knows each puny little one of us by name and loves us with an undying love that will never give up on us! Has His revelation changed you?

God didn’t stop there. No, he continued to reveal himself in all his “doxa” with the New Covenant thru Jesus Christ. Now there is no need for the former protections, because through the forgiveness of our sins through Jesus Christ, we can stand boldly in the presence of the Lord of Glory and not be crushed because, in Jesus, God sees us as pure, holy and acceptable. 

“And we all, with unveiled face beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another.” (2Cor.3:18)


Take some time to praise the Lord of Glory for his greatness. Thank Him for His love, protection, salvation, compassion, kindness, faithfulness and revelation. And enjoy this song as part of your devotions today:


FLOWFLOW StudyAdvent 2017
Advent Flow #7 - NAME OF GOD: Ancient of Days

Prayer: Lord speak to me through your word this morning, show me part of who you are today.

NAME OF GOD: Ancient of Days

by Mike Conan

I have a confession to make. When I was younger we sang the praise song and hymn about the “Ancient of Days” in church, I had no idea that Ancient of Days was a name for God. I thought of the words as referring to a time before now. I was a little surprised that this was a name for God in the Book of Daniel.

The name comes from an apocalyptic vision of Daniel. His description of the vision is awe inspiring and full of glory and power. Daniel 7:9-10:

The Ancient of Days Reigns

9 “As I looked, thrones were placed, and the Ancient of Days took his seat; his clothing was white as snow, and the hair of his head like pure wool; his throne was fiery flames; its wheels were burning fire.

10 A stream of fire issued and came out from before him; a thousand thousands served him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him; the court sat in judgment,  and the books were opened.


The meaning of the name: In the Ancient Near East the throne symbolized who was in charge (king) and who would determine what was right or wrong (judge). The ancient of days name reminds us who is really in charge and who really determines what is right and wrong. This description presents God as the perfect King and judge. The very term “Ancient of Days” implies that God is full of wisdom and that He recognizes everything for what it is, he has seen everything and knows everything. God sees our actions and our intentions and He Himself defines whether they are good or evil. He also has full authority over the world. He has been on the throne and in power over the world for generation after generation.

The purpose of the Name: In the second part of this vision, the Ancient of days uses His power and wisdom to put the Son of Man in charge of the world! The description may sound familiar. 

The Son of Man Is Given Dominion

13 “I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him.

14 And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed.

For us today: The vision of Daniel was written hundreds of years before Jesus’ birth. But, we now know that Jesus is the Son of Man from this vision. Jesus referenced himself as the Son of Man on numerous occasions (i.e. Matthew 9:6, Luke 9:22). In Matthew 28:16 and Philippians 2:9-11 we learn that “all power and authority have been given to Him”, just as was envisioned hundreds of years before. Jesus is the great king and judge and what He thinks of us and our actions is the most important thing in the world. 

Let’s be real for a moment, judgment to a broken and sinful people is a terrifying thing! Yet, Romans 8:31-34 reminds us that Jesus is not only our judge, but His victory on the cross has made Him our advocate! “If God is for us, who can be against us?  He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? Who shall bring any charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.” Our king and judge has taken on judgment for us, that we might be free to serve Him!


How does the name Ancient of Days inspire worship?

How does judgement associated with the name Ancient of Days cause you to pause?

How does Christ as the Son of Man cause you to be thankful?

Prayer: Ancient of Days, you indeed are the great King and the great judge of the world. Thank you for sending Christ to be judged in my place. Thank you that instead of living by fear I may live in bold freedom, knowing that Christ is not against me, but for me.

FLOWFLOW StudyAdvent 2017
Advent Flow #6 - NAME OF GOD: Lord God of Hosts

“Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by Your Name, O Lord, God of Hosts.” 

-Jeremiah 15:16 ESV

NAME OF GOD: Lord God of Hosts

by Kara Helland


“LORD God” means Yahweh or I Am. “Hosts” means sabaoth which is Hebrew for “armies.” Essentially, Lord God of Hosts means “God of the Armies of Heaven and Angels.” The Lord God of Hosts is a name that describes the Lord as being the God of the spiritual armies, and it shows up 261 times in the Old Testament. 

The Lord God of Hosts is such a humbling name to call our Father. It reminds me that God is not only God of everything that we see - the trees, the ocean, the seasons, etc. - but He is also God of so much more that we cannot see or can hardly imagine. Referring to God as God of Hosts means that we acknowledge that He is Lord of earth, heaven, space, mankind, angels, and everything else. It displays and recognizes how truly infinite and powerful our God is, and how He has a plan and purpose for everything He has created. It reminds me that God is so much bigger and greater than we even know, and how we have seen only a sliver of His creation. 

Everyday, God has armies fighting for us and our faith. He continuously protects and intercedes for us when we are unaware. His Power is so much greater than our struggles. As Christians, we can be bold knowing that the Lord fights for us and is for us. He is greater than our fear, He is greater than our pain, and He is greater than our hardships.


How can knowing that God has armies fighting for you impact the way you live your daily life?

When was a time that God fought for you?

Today, focus on ways that God fights for you and your relationship with Him.


FLOWFLOW StudyAdvent 2017
Advent Flow #5 - NAME OF GOD: Cornerstone

"Therefore the Lord God said:“Look, I have laid a stone in Zion,a tested stone,a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation;the one who believes will be unshakable."

-Isaiah 28:16  (HCSB)

NAME OF GOD: Cornerstone

by Joe Emmi


I like how this bible version expresses the last part of this verse -- “unshakable." A friend's daughter came home a bit 'shaken up' recently because her teacher was talking about the mega earthquake that is predicted to hit Portland one day. The scientists say that it is not a matter of if, but when that earthquake will come. Jesus metaphorically told us much the same thing when he forewarned his disciples that, "in this world you will have tribulation" (John 16:33).  And so it is. It seems that life is full of quakes large and small. Relationships, jobs, our health, our state of mind and even the house we live in can seem rock solid one day and be falling apart the next. If you have been a Christian for any length of time, I do not need to tell you that the call to discipleship is not a call to problem free living. However, it is a call to let God build, in and through our lives, something that cannot be shaken because it is built on the Cornerstone, Jesus Christ. 

Look ,I have laid a stone in Zion

Zion is where God rules and is worshiped as king. Throughout scripture God is telling a story of his kingdom and his King, Jesus. All of history is divided in reference to His first coming. History will culminate in His return. He is the stone cut without hands (Daniel 2:24, 44-5) that displaces the empires of this world and becomes the foundation of a new kingdom.  

A tested stone

Jesus was tested in all ways like us, but without sin (Hebrews 4:15).  He was proven on the cross to be the rock of salvation (Psalm 89:26) that could bear the weight of the world. Jesus was tested and found to be unshakable. You and me? Not so much. Being built on Him means trusting in His merit and not our own. It also means relying on His way in the Spirit to lead us forward and not our own plans and desires. 

A precious Cornerstone

It cost God everything to lay this foundation. God has no greater treasure than his Son. That is why He is the Cornerstone of all that God has done and ever will do. Peter says, "to you who believe He is precious" (1 Peter 2:7). There are costs for us too as we enter into a relationship where His light and love can work in and through our lives. But, as that happens, we will see how precious He is and how much better His kingdom is than anything we could build apart from Him.   

A sure foundation

Everyone wants to invest in a sure thing. I know of only one, Jesus. There is no other Rock (Isaiah 44:8). His kingdom is coming. Our verse starts with God saying, "Look"! As if to say, 'See what I am doing; see what I am building. Come, and enter in'. When all the shaking of history is done, and the dust settles nothing else will remain. Only the kingdom family built up by God through his Spirit on the Cornerstone of Jesus Christ will stand. You and I are invited to join Him by yielding ourselves to His purposes now. That is our hope, and that hope is unshakable.


What foundation am I resting on today with my words, deeds and priorities?  What can I count on God doing if I rest my life on the Cornerstone? 

Is there a difference between building for God, and letting him build in and through me? 

How does an unshakable future hope help me in my shakable current circumstances?

Pray as you are led...

FLOWFLOW StudyAdvent 2017
Advent Flow #4 - NAME OF GOD: Maker

“He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them—he remains faithful forever.”

– Psalm 146:6

“Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker.”

– Psalm 95:6


by Laura Bodine


As a Mom to four sons, I remember taking in the intricately designed features of each of my newborn boys and coming to the profound realization of what an amazing and perfect Maker our God truly is. He is the very author of all life. He spoke the very Universe into existence. He created the heavens and the earth. Every star in the sky, every animal in the sea and on land, each intricately designed bird, flower and sunset are all examples of His marvelous handiwork.

All of creation shows us both His nature and His infinite power.

We, as His children, are His most treasured of all creation. David wrote in Psalm 139:13 “For you formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.”

Everything about you was hand-picked and designed by our gracious God. We are His workmanship and He is our Maker. He created your soul and body, and made you unique and different from all others. Think of it. Out of the billions of people who live today and who have ever lived on the face of this earth, there is none who is exactly like you.

Since the Lord is our Maker, we ought to put our fullest trust in Him and surrender our lives to Him. For what better hands can there be, into which we can safely commit ourselves, than the very hands that have made us?

Secondly, since the Lord is our Maker, we ought to love Him with all of our heart, with all our soul and with all our mind. It was for this very purpose that God created us in His image – in order that we may love Him. For only creatures who bear His same divine image have the unique ability to love God.

Finally, since the Lord is our Maker, we ought to delight in worshiping Him, for as the highest of all creatures God has made, we should be zealously showing forth praises of Him who has made us with such wonderful wisdom and exquisite design.

All things were made by Him and for His pleasure. Therefore, when I am pleasing the Lord my Maker by worshiping Him, I am actually fulfilling the very purpose for my existence.

Colossians 1:16 tells us “For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.”

We are the work of our Maker’s hands. He adopts us just as we are and then He begins to do His wonders in our hearts and in our minds and in our souls. He begins conforming us into His very image. He begins preparing us for what He has in store for us. He has a unique and beautiful purpose for each of our lives. Our purpose here on earth and our purpose that goes on for all eternity. 

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10

It doesn’t matter what shape we are in when we come to Him… He is Jehovah-Hoseenu. He is the Master Potter, the Lord our Maker, and He is more than capable of conforming us, molding us and shaping us into His own workmanship and likeness to display His glory and power.

He is able to make us worthy of our calling. He promises to accomplish His work in us, and because He will, we will accomplish our work in Him.

Philippians 1:6 “… being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

I believe when we grasp that our God is our wonderful, good, merciful, sovereign and loving Maker, we will desire to live our lives in full obedience and in complete surrender to Him.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, trust fully in your Maker, love Him with all of your heart, mind and strength and delight in worshiping Him with all of your being. He came to give us life and give us life abundantly.

In Revelation 4:11 we read “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.”


Have you come to a place of complete surrender of your life to your Maker and His plan for you?

Have you taken time lately to simply look around at God’s creation and to praise and worship Him for all He has made?

Are there things in your life that you are holding onto that the Lord would ask you to surrender in obedience to Him?


Lord as we consider today what a wonderful Maker you really are, we praise you for giving us life. Each day is a gift from you never to be taken for granted. Help us to trust you fully, to surrender our lives to you completely. Knowing, God, that your plans for us are good and abundant joy is only found in living our lives for you and your kingdom. Search our hearts and show us anything at all that may be keeping us from you and your plans for us.

Thank you for your life laid down for us. Help us in turn to lay down our lives for you and your purposes. May we be living sacrifices set apart for you. We love you Jesus and pray these things in your perfect name. Amen. 

FLOWFLOW StudyAdvent 2017
Advent Flow #3 - NAME OF GOD: Consuming Fire

“For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.”

– Deuteronomy 4:24

“…for our God is a consuming fire”

– Hebrews 12:29

NAME OF GOD: Consuming Fire

by Brett Bodine


This past year we have witnessed the powerful nature of fire on the west coast, especially here in the Pacific Northwest. The Columbia River Gorge fire was perhaps the most impactful to us here in the Portland area as we watched “Oregon’s crown jewel” consumed by an enormous wildfire. People were affected both emotionally and physically as we pondered the lasting impact this fire would have on the environment and canceled outdoor events due to the unhealthy levels of smoke in the air. 

While these wildfires rip through forests consuming everything in their path, they do serve a greater, long term purpose to the forest. Forests can become overgrown and stripped of nutrients in the soil that stifle their ability to grow and sustain life. We as believers can become like an overgrown forest. 

In context of Deuteronomy 4:24, Moses is speaking to the Israelites reminding them about what they had seen the Lord their God do for them after leaving Egypt and to teach their children about those things lest they forget. Moses then warns them about creating an image for God and worshiping idols. He tells them here that the Lord their God is a consuming fire, a jealous God who knew that they would turn from Him to worship other gods. Out of His great love for them He would burn everything that pulled them away from Him so that He could keep His promise to never forsake nor destroy them.

As New Testament believers and adopted sons and daughters of God who have been grafted into the vine, the Lord is jealous for us as well and promises to “..never leave us nor forsake us.” Hebrews 13:5. 

Malachi 3:3 says the Lord “is like the refiner’s fire.” He will continually refine us, burning away all the impurities of our lives because He loves us and wants us to live abundant lives filled with spiritual growth.

As the wildfires burn away all the undergrowth and replenish the soil with nutrients, so too does God’s fire burn away the things in our lives that choke out our ability to grow in our walk with Christ. Oftentimes, as with the Gorge fire, it can look terrible and be painful for the believer in the midst of God’s refining fire. After those things are consumed, our walk with the Lord can start fresh and grow even stronger than before.

1 Corinthians 3:12-15 tells us that “If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work. If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved—even though only as one escaping through the flames.”

For the enemies of God, His consuming fire is destructive and a source of judgement. For us as believers and children of God, His fire is a source of protection, life and comfort. We can have great peace knowing that God will never leave us nor forsake us, He will protect us and will work in our lives to refine us in order for us to thrive and live an abundant life full of joy.


Are we afraid of God’s consuming fire or are we comforted by it?

What are some things, idols, in our lives that are choking out our ability to grow and thrive?

Have you experienced God’s consuming fire in your walk with Him? Was it painful? Did you see growth and healing on the other side?

Do you remember the amazing things that God has done in your life and tell others about them?


Father, search our hearts and examine our lives for anything that keeps us from growing in our walk with you. Burn away everything that is not of you and restore us. Give us peace knowing that you fight for us and protect us from our enemies. May we always remember the great things you’ve done in our lives and share them with those around us that your Name may be glorified and praised above all names. Amen!

FLOWFLOW StudyAdvent 2017
Advent Flow #2 - NAME OF GOD: Adonai

"Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."

Hebrews 4:14-16, NIV


by Diane Anderson


We're going to Southern Arizona for Christmas. My parents live there. We haven't been able to celebrate Christmas with them for over seven years. We have, however, spent many wonderful holidays with my husband's family, thankfully. That's what we most treasure about our Christmas traditions—celebrating our relationships with loved ones.

Christmas is seen as the season of relationships restored—families coming together in loving fellowship. There's a reason for this. Christmas started as a celebration of a birthday—a beginning of the culmination of God's plans to restore our relationship with Him. Jesus was born to become the sacrifice for—all sin, for—all mankind, for—ever.

God is ADONAI. What does this mean—this funky Hebrew word with lots of vowels? It's simplest form is "Sovereign Lord" (Genesis 15:2). However, as with all Scripture, it goes deeper.

This word was a substitute for the Hebrew name of God—Yahweh. "Sovereign Lord" was so holy and the Jews were so determined not to blaspheme God's name (3rd commandment), no one was allowed to say it or even write it all the way. They would only write it without the vowels. When the scripture was read aloud, the pronunciation "adhonay" was spoken. (These are the vowels of God's holy name with the sounds of the consonants YHWH scrambled up).

Still, that didn't really tell me what Adonai (and therefore Yahweh) MEANT! Being a word person, I had to look up the definitions for the English translations.

Sovereign means: supreme, ultimate, above all others; indisputable ruler who has all rank, power, and authority.

Lord means: leader with all authority, control, and great influence, owner

Wow! Adonai is THE ULTIMATE RULER OF ALL! Hallelujah! Hosanna!

The Experience God study has reminded me of my purpose—the reason God created us all. He created humankind for fellowship with Him. So, this all powerful, indisputable ruler who controls all of His creation, loves us enough to become human?

  • Do you get that?
  • Do you truly see this Holy, ULTIMATE RULER God becoming sin?
  • Can you even picture Pure Perfection becoming total degradation so we can be restored to relationship?

Our Love Letter from God opens with us being separated from a loving, close relationship, (Genesis) and ends with us living with Him, forever (Revelation). This happens because Jesus was born. He was and is the Adonai (Sovereign Lord) in all completeness, who introduces us to the Father and who gives us loving access to the throne of Grace (Hebrews 4:14-16). The power to walk in that fellowship comes from the Holy Spirit—the part of Adonai that lives IN us.

Is your mind blown?

Is your heart humbled? relieved?

How do you respond to this?

Know that this season of relationships restored is all about our re-connection to fellowship with ADONAI. You can sit down and have coffee with the SUPREME RULER! You don't have to avoid speaking his name from fear—you can approach His throne of grace with confidence because…JESUS ADONAI.

"If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

Romans 10:9, NIV

FLOWFLOW StudyAdvent 2017
Advent Flow #1 - NAMES OF GOD: Yahweh, Jehovah

Opening Prayer – Lord teach me about who you are today and let me come to know and love you more through reflecting on your Holy Name. -Amen

NAME OF GOD: Yahweh, Jehovah

by Pastor Mike Conan


Good morning.

In the Hebrew language words were consistently just consonants, so vowel sounds would be brought in, that is, the first name of God has two different English translations. The first name given for God is יַהְוֶה, it is read from left to right Yahweh or Jehovah.  In our English Bible this word is most often translated as “Lord”. The name is revealed to Moses when he says he wants

to know who exactly he is talking to at the burning bush:   

God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” 15 God also said to Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations. 

–Exodus 3:14-15

The Israelites understood this name as the most central and powerful name of God. In this name, the Israelites were reminded of God’s preexistence and eternal attributes. The name invoked a sense of awe, wonder and power as God was shown to be the preeminent one not only in power and character, but also in His very existence. In this name they were reminded that their God indeed was real and He had worked and would work in His world. The Israelites also understood that with the name “I AM” that God had been faithful to generation after generation. He had a plan and a purpose for the world and a plan and purpose for His people in the world.  

Yahweh was the most popular name for Israel’s God, yet interestingly enough it isn’t the most commonly used name! The Israelites so revered this name of God that it was not to be spoken aloud. In fact to this day another name for God, Adonai, will be read aloud in the synagogue when someone is reading from an ancient scroll and the word Yahweh is there.

For us Today: During the time before Christmas we pause for a season of advent, a time of anticipating someone special’s arrival. As Christians we remember the arrival and prepare for the return of the Great King Jesus. We begin with a wonderful reminder that life is not an accident and we are not the center of the universe. But Indeed God has been around forever and His plans and purposes in Christ Jesus are the centerpiece of all creation. It is wonderful and awe inspiring to think of our God as the eternal person, Spirit and force that created and sustains the universe and that leads and cares for His people. When Jesus uses the seven I AM statements in the book of John, and especially when he says “before Abraham was ‘I am’”, we are reminded that He did claim to be God and has been in existence before anything or anyone. Jesus is preeminent in His character and in His very presence. God’s plans for us in Christ Jesus have been around forever! I hope that today’s name will drive us to ponder the greatness of God and to see the faithfulness of God to His creation and His people throughout all generations. Sometimes being reminded that we are not the center of the universe is the most precious gift we can receive.


How does God’s existence bring you hope?

How does reflecting on God’s eternal purposes bring you a sense of wonder?

How does God’s faithfulness for many generations bring confidence to your own life and struggles?

How does the reverence for God’s name shown by the Israelites speak to you about your own knowledge and reverence for His name(s)?


Lord, you are the one who has always existed. You created everything around us and have a plan and purpose for this world. Please continue to show me this week and beyond that indeed you are real and that you are working for your purposes in this broken world. Help me to continually be awed by your eternal existence and to trust in you more each day. I love you and worship you, Yahweh. -Amen

FLOWFLOW StudyAdvent 2017