Advent Flow #11 - NAME OF GOD: Comforter


NAME OF GOD: Comforter

by Carolynn Yancey

Six years ago was the last time I got the flu, and though I don’t remember much, I do remember being sure that death would be better than having the flu. I prayed to die, I prayed to just stop shaking, and I laid, buried down in my bed under my huge down-comforter; knowing that if I got out from under its protective warmth, it’s shield of safety, I would surely die.

“But the Advocate the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”

- John 14:26

The English Standard Version has, the word ‘Advocate’ here to describe the Holy spirit, The original word Paracletos translates to Comforter or counselor, as a helper and an advocate; and properly means, “one called to the side of another”. Having the flu was one of the most terrible episodes of my body being sick, but even when I am not sick, my favorite thing to do at night is curl up under my comforter. It’s where I can close my eyes, rest my weary feet, and where I find the quiet peace. 

When was the last time your heart was tired, over-worked, and weary? Many of us have lost loved ones this year, and this will be your first Christmas without them. Maybe you're heartbroken for a friend you see with struggles. You are weary worrying about your children, or you are looking around at our world wondering where any of it is going.

What would life be like if you took all that worry, and weary heart, and wrap it up in your Comforter, the Holy Spirit? What kind of healing can we have if we give up our souls and hearts to the one who can bring peace, quietness, and rest?


Here are some scriptures, pray and meditate on them, that the Holy Spirit who has come as Comforter will give you of the peace and rest that can only be found in Him:

 Joshua 1:9-10          Psalm 23:4       Romans 8:26

Ephesians 1:13-14     John 16:13         1 John 2:27


What am I struggling with that I need to give up to the Holy Spirit?

What do these scriptures promise about my struggles?

Pray: Dear God, Thank you that you sent us Holy Spirit to comfort us, to come to our sides and advocate for us. When my heart is hurting, and my soul is tired from this life, please remind me that you are The Comforter, the only place I will find true peace. Please refresh my mind seeing my tears through your eyes, and bring me comfort and care even in the darkest times.

FLOWFLOW StudyAdvent 2017