Advent Flow #6 - NAME OF GOD: Lord God of Hosts


“Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by Your Name, O Lord, God of Hosts.” 

-Jeremiah 15:16 ESV

NAME OF GOD: Lord God of Hosts

by Kara Helland


“LORD God” means Yahweh or I Am. “Hosts” means sabaoth which is Hebrew for “armies.” Essentially, Lord God of Hosts means “God of the Armies of Heaven and Angels.” The Lord God of Hosts is a name that describes the Lord as being the God of the spiritual armies, and it shows up 261 times in the Old Testament. 

The Lord God of Hosts is such a humbling name to call our Father. It reminds me that God is not only God of everything that we see - the trees, the ocean, the seasons, etc. - but He is also God of so much more that we cannot see or can hardly imagine. Referring to God as God of Hosts means that we acknowledge that He is Lord of earth, heaven, space, mankind, angels, and everything else. It displays and recognizes how truly infinite and powerful our God is, and how He has a plan and purpose for everything He has created. It reminds me that God is so much bigger and greater than we even know, and how we have seen only a sliver of His creation. 

Everyday, God has armies fighting for us and our faith. He continuously protects and intercedes for us when we are unaware. His Power is so much greater than our struggles. As Christians, we can be bold knowing that the Lord fights for us and is for us. He is greater than our fear, He is greater than our pain, and He is greater than our hardships.


How can knowing that God has armies fighting for you impact the way you live your daily life?

When was a time that God fought for you?

Today, focus on ways that God fights for you and your relationship with Him.


FLOWFLOW StudyAdvent 2017