And God saw that it was good

And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so. God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:24-25

The National History Museum in London released a number of entries for its annual Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition yesterday, and the photos are a breathtaking freeze-frame of God's artistry and perfection. According to this year's judges, the competition received a record number of entries this year: 50,000 submissions from photographers in 95 countries.

"These extraordinary images showcase the rich diversity of life on Earth and spark curiosity and wonder, said Doug Gurr, director of the National History Museum. "Telling the story of a planet under pressure, the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition illuminates the urgent challenges we face and the collective action we need to take."

Likely because travel plans have been canceled over the past year and a half, this year's entries were particularly thought-provoking and perfected, organizers said. Winners of the competition will be announced on October 12. For a glimpse at some of this year's collection, look here: "Stunning Images Released by Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2021 Competition."

If you find yourself overwhelmed by the news, anxious about life, or struggling with the transition to fall, take a prayerful moment to pause over these photos: ghost fungus glowing neon green after monsoon rains in Australia, a fox slinking stealthily toward salmon in Alaska, an Iberian lynx pausing in a doorway in Spain, a lioness whose mouth is dripping with bright red blood in Tanzania, and many more. The majesty of God's creation is remarkable, and too often we are so consumed by our own narrow world that we neglect to look at the wider lens of God's creation.

His artistry and majesty are truly limitless, my friends. There is no space for feeling burdened or overwhelmed when we are children of a God whose care and might are so intricately intertwined in the creation that surrounds us. As you step more fully into a new fall season, commit to moments of prayerful pause so you can admire God's good work -- whether perusing photos like the ones captured here or stepping out into your own neighborhood to witness the flurry around you.

Blessings on your first week of September,


Rev. Dr. Jennie A. Harrop