The Stories That We Share
Greetings, all.
I hope you are recognizing the importance of story in this crazy COVID era of confusion and consternation. What new narratives are we writing as we traverse this curious time? Can you imagine the bonds we all will share one day as we reminisce about 2020, telling tales of face masks and lockdowns, battles over toilet paper and Chlorox wipes? What better way do we have to connect with one another than the stories that we share?
Here are a few connectors to ponder in this amusing CNN story from this past Saturday: "How Many of These Sad Pandemic Achievements Have You Unlocked?" As you peruse the options and create your own checklist, consider the 2020 narratives that will emerge one day. How can the realization of connection points help you relate to a neighbor, a relative, a friend, a boss, a coworker, a peer?
Our lives are defined by story, as we see so plainly evidenced in the arc of story from Genesis to Revelation and in Jesus' reliance on parables. As Christians and as a church, what new doors might these new 2020 connection points open for us? Rather than bemoaning lost opportunities, how might we see these shared COVID narratives as a way for us to enter in naturally, bringing peace and hope where people least expect? We are each on mission in the very way that we live our lives, my friends. How might you allow story to open a new path for relationship this week?
Christ's peace to you today,