Brief translation of video from church in Costa Rica, Centro Cristiano Hechos 29
Pastor Manuel speaking: Here we have our brother, Christian, preparing food baskets to bless families from church… Hi Chris.
Christian speaking: We are here at our church preparing food baskets to bless many families. We feel so happy and blessed, first with God, and also with all the brothers and sisters from Oregon that have helped us be able to bless others. Truly, may God have the glory. Here you can see some of the items that go into every basket.
May God have the glory. We are so blessed to be able to bless others. There is a saying, My dollars/colones can reach where my feet can’t go. Rest assured that this food will bless many, and reach many homes. Greetings.
Pastor Manuel talking: Blessing, I am Pastor Manuel from Paraiso, Cartago, Costa Rica. Hello to the church in Oregon. I want to thank Pastor Jennie, the leadership team, and the Olivares family, and all the brothers and sisters that gave from their hearts to bless us. We have started delivering food baskets to our church families who are in need, and to other families in the area who are also in need. I want to pray for the church in Oregon, for the Pastor, leaders, and the brothers and sisters of the church. First I want to share a verse that God has placed on my heart:
Brothers and sisters, I can testify. Today a brother from church called me to say how his mother felt so blessed for the food, with tears in her eyes, thanking God for the food. So remember that those blessed by this food are praising God and praying for you. I would also like to pray for you now, giving thanks to God for showing us His blessing through you.
Manuel prays: Father, in Jesus name I give thanks for the church in Oregon, Pastor Jennie, the Olivares family, and for all the brothers and sisters who saw fit in their hearts to freely bless people who they do not even know who now have food to eat because you have moved in hearts so far away. Father, I ask that you multiply the blessing they have shown us, and that you richly bless them so that they can continue to bless others in need. I thank You and ask your blessing for this church in Jesus’ name.
Manuel concludes: Thank you, brothers and sisters, for your generous blessing. We love you and hope to see you soon. May God bless all of you.
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