Happy April, Friends!
We look forward to celebrating Palm Sunday with you this Sunday, when Jennie Harrop will continue our sermon series titled “Who Do You Say That I Am?” with a look at Jesus’ mother Mary. Before the service, please bring all toddlers, Pre-K, and elementary-aged kids to the back of the church to hear special instructions for carrying palm branches during the Call to Worship.
After the Palm Sunday service, kids will enjoy an outdoor Easter egg hunt complete with plastic eggs, candy, gold coins, and prizes. For the Palm Sunday potluck lunch, A-H bring a main dish, and I-Z bring a side or dessert. During the Congregational Meeting following lunch, we will have teenagers ready to help younger kids with Easter crafts in the back of the Ministry Center so parents are able to listen well during the meeting.
Three topics of particular importance at this Sunday’s Congregational Meeting will be (1) our 2018 Annual Report, which will be available on paper as well; (2) a brief discussion of the VitalChurch survey and next steps; and (3) a job description for an innovative part-time bivocational pastor position. Join us so you can hear what’s new on the horizon for Cedar Creek!
In the evening on April 14, meet us at 6 p.m. in the Cedar Creek parking lot so we can carpool to the Family Promise training, which begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Lake Oswego LDS church, 14903 Westlake Dr. The training should last about two hours and is required for any volunteers over the age of 14. (Kids 14 and under can volunteer as well but are not required to attend training.) The training also should be helpful in giving us a better sense of Family Promise, its goals, and the role our church can play. If you are interested in volunteering during the week that we host, May 12-19, here is the link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b0a4baba72da4f94-family
On April 19, plan to join us at 7 p.m. for a Good Friday Tenebrae service as we ponder together the day of Jesus’ crucifixion and prepare ourselves for Easter morning. Jennie Harrop will share the word on Good Friday.
On April 21, join us at 10 a.m. for an Easter morning service that will affirm and empower in you the joy and hope we find in the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Matt Hilgaertner will be preaching on Easter morning.
Let us assure you that the Lord has bold plans for our little church, and we are excited to step faithfully forward into them. Please join us as we seek God’s will in all that we do, giving thanks for the blooms amidst the rain as we go.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways submit to him,
And he will make your paths straight.
—Proverbs 3:5-6
May Christ bless your week with the Holy Spirit-gifted peace and joy that only He can provide.
In service to Him, from your Session: Jennie Harrop, Diane Anderson, Steve Lund, Louie Olivares, Matt Hilgaertner