Keeping Jesus First
I just returned from Portland Seminary's annual "Future Church Think Tank," a three-day reunion on Orcas Island with fellow students of author and theologian Leonard Sweet -- all of whom hold doctorates in semiotics. This year's gathering was a magical time of good food, beautiful views of the Salish Sea, and deep conversation about what it means to be Jesus followers in an increasingly more challenging world.
While it can be tempting to lean into justice, ethical living, and even church traditions, we were reminded anew that although admirable, those markers cannot be our primary focus. As Len puts it, “We are not called to follow justice; we are called to follow Jesus. And in following Jesus, we will do justice.”
If we make justice our ultimate goal, we risk shaping it in our own image rather than allowing Jesus to shape us into people of justice. When we make justice our primary focus, we risk becoming the very thing that we seek to repair: judgmental, self-righteous people in a world where we are called to love God and love others. Justice, love, mercy, and every other good thing flows from a primary allegiance to Jesus Christ.
Lent is a season that reorients us to this truth. The world tempts us to pursue good things --justice, security, success, even spiritual activism -- without first surrendering to Christ. But Lent calls us back to the cross, where God’s justice and mercy meet. The way of Jesus is not about forcing justice through human strength; it is about being so formed by Christ that justice flows from us naturally.
Jesus’ own temptation in the wilderness reminds us of this. The devil offered Him shortcuts --ways to achieve good ends through the wrong means. But Jesus remained steadfast, choosing obedience to the Father above all else. As followers of Christ, our calling is not to chase after justice or power. Our calling is to seek Jesus, knowing that when we do, our lives will reflect His justice, His love, and His truth.
As we walk through this Lenten season together, my prayer is that we will set our focus on Jesus, trusting that everything else -- including justice -- will follow as we anticipate the remarkable complexity of Holy Week.