Beyond the Box
In a moment of grade school frustration, one of my kids once said to me, "But how can I think outside the box when I can't even see the box??" Ah, the wisdom.
Here is where a unique combination of biblical grounding, prayer, and Christian community come into play: When the walls of our box are defined by cultural assumptions, generational standards, and misled church efforts, it can be difficult to re-discern what is Holy Spirit driven and what is not. How well do you press into your days both seeking the Spirit and looking for opportunities to redefine?
Consider (and enjoy!) these outside-of-the-box classical music arrangements. What wonderful inspired moments must have led to these creations:
The Typewriter by Leroy Anderson, where typewriters tap the beat
A Grand, Grand Overture by Malcolm Arnold, where musical instruments include vacuum cleaners, a floor polisher, and several rifles
Child of Tree by John Cage, which involves a cactus
The Helicopter String Quartet by Karlheinz Stockhausen, which includes members of a string quartet each playing from different helicopters
Poeme Symphonique for 100 Metronomes by Gyorgy Ligeti, a masterful combination of ticking metronomes
As you move through your week listening anew for vacuums and typewriters, be on the lookout for your own opportunities to redefine the box. Hear the reminder in Isaiah 43:19 --
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?